


Sun and Cosmic rays responsible for Climate Change ?

One of the world's most prestigious science labs - CERN - has found that cosmic rays affect cloud formation. By way of background, the news magazine for the...


Search for Extraterrestrial life – Where Are They?

By - Mario Livio -Mario Livio is an astrophysicist who worked for 24 years with the Hubble Space Telescope (NASA), and a best-selling author of popular...


Truth Behind Us

Illuminati and Enlightenment – What if this is not what it seems? – What If?

TBU NEWS is going to be objective as much as possible and will try to publish information’s coming from different sources, perspectives and opinions....

Sheep behavior and human mentality

This beautiful and insightful article has been written by : Sheri Dusseault please follow here work here: Is there really such a thing as a...

Lapis Exillis – Joan of Arc

Martyr, saint and military leader Joan of Arc, acting under divine guidance, led the French army to victory over the British during the Hundred...

The Day Before 9/11: Rumsfeld said 2.3 TRILLION $ are Missing from Pentagon

September 10th 2001 Secretary of Defense of the USA declared war on the Pentagon bureaucracy over an alleged $2.3 trillion in unaccounted for funds...


Meteorite storm 12,000 years ago Killed Everyone

Scientists have found compelling evidence that a meteorite storm hit the earth more than 12,000 years ago, and is likely to have been responsible...

Yellowstone – The lava pool “How much bigger” as previously believed ?

27.10.2013 Research number One A supervolcano blasting Yellowstone National Park to smithereens may capture the imagination, but the region's real risk comes from earthquakes, researchers reported...


Is United States preparing to leave NAFTA deal?

Hours ago United States President Donald J. Trump has announced that there is a possibility...

More than 1 million jobs added in U.S. economy since Donald J. Trump took the office of the President

Latest report shows that more than 1 million jobs where added since Donald J. Trump...

What if NASA had the US Military’s Budget?

"In this video we do a little speculating! What could NASA do with the US...

BREAKING NEWS – Tech executives arrive at Trump Tower to meet Donald Trump

Silicon Valley's tech figureheads met with Donald Trump, Goggle, Apple, IBM, Microsoft, SpaceX, Facebook, Cisco,...

Staring at the Abyss of financial uncertainty

The last piece of the puzzle is getting its form. We are apparently standing on...

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